Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Man down........

Kinni didn't want her relationship to end with Martin but she was not going to allow him to treat her any kind of way.  She loved Martin and she knew that she had to love him enough to leave him.

David was dropping Kinni off at her house and she didn't know that Martin had surfaced back home.  When Martin saw the car pull up he ran out on the porch to see who was dropping her off.  Martin saw another man dropping Kinni off and the fight was on.  Martin started pulling on Kinni and she was hitting him trying to get him off of her.  David seen the fight going on and he reversed the car and came back.  When Martin seen that David had pulled pack up in the driveway, Martin charged at him and jumped through his window and started punching David.  David got Martin off of him and threw him out of his car.  Martin landed on the ground and Kinni was trying to get them to stop.  Martin was outraged by what was going on and he started running after Kinni.  Kinni ran in the house and grabbed a butcher knife and pulled it on Martin and told him that if he came any closer to her she would kill him and she was not playing.  Martin stopped in his tracks and yelled at her for her to get out.  After the incident Kinni was happy to leave.  Kinni jumped in the car with David and they went back to his house.  Kinni called me and told me what had just happened and you could tell that she was crying.  I asked Kinni how she felt and she told me that she was angry, hurt, and confused.  I understood then how she was feeling because I have been there before a few times in my life.

Here are your discussion questions.  Please feel free to post your comments or mark if you find this discussion to be interesting, cool or funny.  Your views are very important.  Thank you for your participation and constant support.

Are you still interested in reading? Why?
What would you have done if you were in a similar situation?
Is there anything that you would do differently? If so what?


  1. I would not have allowed David to bring me home knowing martin was crazy as hell.

  2. Sidne, the BCR...You are right sometimes the things that we do are not always in our best interest but we seem to do them anyways thinking that it will teach the other person a lesson instead of realizing that someone could get hurt behind the decisions we make. Thank you for your constant support and joining me week after week. Keep those comments coming.
