Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shooting at the club

Kinni and I went out to celebrate her birthday.  Everything was going good until someone started some mess in the club.  A fight broke out and the security guards had put the people, that started the fight, out of the club.  when the chaos died down they turned the lights back down and we continued to party.  We were so drunk and looking our best we didn't care what was going on.  At the end of the night I had seen some of Man's friends and one of them I use to date.

Eye's was glad to see me because we hadn't seen each other in a while.  He had been locked up for two years.  Eyes saw me and we hugged and started talking while Kinni was on the other side of the club talking to one of her old flings.  We were still inside the club and were getting ready to leave because security was trying to kick everyone out.  I seen that Kinni was walking towards me and I was standing at the door talking to Eyes.  I was starting to open the door so that we could leave and as I opened the door this guy walked up in front of me and shot the guy that was standing next to the door in the face and then started to randomly shoot.  I stood there for a brief moment and Eyes grabbed me and pulled me to the ground and got on top of me to make sure that the gunmen wouldn't shoot me as well.  I could hear Kinni screaming for me; after the shooting had stopped she got off the ground and ran towards me.  Kinni started screaming when she saw us laying there because we were not moving and she thought that we had been shot.  I looked up at her to let her know that I was okay.  I got scared because I seen all this blood but I didn't feel like I had been shot or anything.  I thought Eyes was shot but he wasn't it was the guy that was lying next to us.  Eyes picked me up off the ground and I had blood all over my dress.  Kinni started checking me, to see if I had been shot.  We were okay but we had to stay at the club for another hour to be questioned.  When the police were finished they had given us their business cards, and told us to call them if we remembered anything.

Here are your discussion questions. Please feel free to post your comments or mark if you find this discussion to be cool, funny, or interesting.  Your views are very important.  Thank you for your participation and constant support.

Are you still interested in reading? Why?
What was a scary moment of your life?
Is there anything that you would do differently? If so what?

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