Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Who is the new girl?

I knew that Travon and Zach were married, but Zach was a flirt and he flirted with everybody although his wife did anything and everything that he told her to do.  Zach's wife Tamara would come to the job from time to time to check on him.  I would always tease Zach and Travon about them being hand pecked.  They would get angry and start talking that I'm the man crap to me, but I knew the truth.  The first time Zach's wife met me she didn't like me.  Tamara called Kevina, Travon's wife, and told her that there was a new girl working up at the job and she is black.  Kevina didn't believe her, she called up to the job and I answered the phone. She asked to speak to Travon.  I transferred the call to him and let that be.  Kevina called about an hour later and I answered the phone again.  She asked me who I was and I told her, she said okay and said it was nice meeting me and then she hung up.

Not paying too much attention to them and their personal lives, they started talking to me as their friend.  We all started becoming close and it was like we were family.

Here are you discussion questions. Please feel free to post your comments. You can also mark if you find this discussion to be interesting, funny, or cool. Your views are very important. Thank you for your participation and constant support.

Are you still interested in reading? Why?
What do you do when people are hating on you?
Is there anything that you would do differently? If so what?

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